Monday, June 25, 2007


Check this out. People in Hong Kong Gym Generate Electricity While Exercising!  In other news, my sleep schedule is way out of whack. Pray for Cicero to survive his Monday!!

Wednesday, June 20, 2007


I need to chalk this post up directly to the Cicero in Pants summer vacation - because it isn't really about politics. But it is. Sort of.
I don't tend to be drawn in by the cult of celebrity at all but I do sympathise with celebrities.  I don't really understand why we think we are entitled to know their business. I do know that I find it disgusting.
What really caught my eye lately was the catch-22 in which Angelina Jolie  recently found herself. As you have probably read, her lawyers were looking to make media interviewers sign a contract in which they would agree not to ask Angelina Jolie questions about her personal life.  Her problems with her Dad, Jon Voigt for example. To put this in context, let's remember that Jolie has been asked such questions for years - and that when she goes to do press she sits in a room and every pess outlet in the world comes in for 10 minutes and asks her the same questions over and over again.  Picture yourself in the same situation being asked invasive questions about the things in your life and past that have cut deeply and stung hard.
 But "HAHA!" said the media types, "Your new movie, A Mighty Heart, is all about the importance of freedom of the press so arent you being a hypocrite..."  and that's just about when I started to puke.  Because that's about the point when entertainment journalists compared themselves to Daniel Pearl.
Look, "entertainment journalists". Let's come to grips with something, right. fucking. now.  You are NOT Daniel Pearl - and you shouldn't pretend to be.  Daniel Pearl was an incredibly brave foreign correspondent risking (and ultimately giving) his life to report on the 'on the ground' effects of the foreign policy of his government.   YOU are interviewing a pretty actress with a pretty actor boyfriend.  Do you see the difference?  There is a fundamental difference in your job and the job of Daniel Pearl. And not only because it isn't exactly likely that Angelina  will cut off your head - no matter how richly you might deserve it.
There is a distinction that we in the audience often fail to make. Just because someone is famous doesn't make them a "public figure".  A public figure is someone who's decisions will affect you - therefore providing you with a moral right to know who the hell they really are. A hollywood actress simply doesn't cross that threshold and has every moral right to her privacy.  To put it simply Angelina Jolie is not the king. She's the court jester.   And you are not the intrepid reporter uncovering watergate. YOU are mrs. mcgillicutty from next door all dressed up in curlers and peeking over the backyard fence to see what conclusions about your neighbor's sex life you can draw from the lingerie on the clothes line.  Nobody likes Mrs. McGillicutty. And I, in turn, don't like you.
Grow up - and while you're at it - get a real job.

Monday, June 11, 2007

Back from Newfoundland

I just got back from Newfoundland. What I learned in Newfoundland was this: Maybe the Beatles weren't more popular than Jesus but Premier Danny Williams certainly is. My friends would just start talking about the guy at random. Normally I have to ask questions about local politics. In this case they were gushing.  A friend there who always votes NDP will vote Tory in the next election. I sense from reading the editorials in the Telegram that people actually feel a bit of moral pressure not to say things that are "against Danny".  
I also learned that: 
  • Rumors exist that Danny Williams is sleeping with a woman who used to sleep with his son. No one cares.
  • There is a huge "sponsorship scandal" type scandal in Newfoundland based on improper oversight of MP constituency budgets and the like. Heads are rolling, but Williams is teflon.  
  • That it is a very tough time to be a Federal Conservative MP from Newfoundland. Which makes me sad for my friend's dad who happens to be one of those MPs and is a genuinely decent thoughtful man.
  • That Williams' strategy is spreading to Nova Scotia. Where Fiddler (take that anyway you like) Rodney has started howling at the Federal Budget.
  • and that if I was Harper, I might feel compelled to get out in front on the equalization/atlantic accord issue and play some offence. Perhaps using the words "you can't have your cake and eat it too" a lot.  Now I'm not saying that will win him any votes in the east. But it might get him some compensatory votes from irritated Ontario's paying taxes in the 905.  (This note doesn't constitute me taking a stand on the whole atlantic accord issue by the way. Just the politics of it. I may comment on the substance of positions later but I'd have a lot more reading to do first. )
  • And finally, that Newfoundlanders are awesome. Im a very lucky man to have so many Newfoundlander friends. That trip was *just* what the doctor ordered.
Oh - and kudos to Colin Powell for his Guantanamo Bay comments this week. I'm a pretty hard nosed guy when it comes to security and the war on terrorism stuff. The opposite of the Bleeding Heart Liberal. But the way detainees are being held by the US is everything Powell said it was.  Bring back Habeas Corpus.
Jesus. I can't believe I just had to write that last sentence. Bizarre times we do live in.

Wednesday, June 6, 2007

Al Gore is running?

It's really just a speculative article on the question. The most interesting part of the article is the comment section at the bottom. Decide for yourself.