Tuesday, November 20, 2007

Tories new Tough on Drugs Legislation!

This disappoints me. Marijuana should be legalised.  People running "grow ups" should be arguing over their tax rates and begging for government subsidies like other farmers, not hiding from draconian prison sentences. 
This is such typical "Appeal to the Base" politics.
And I don't even ENJOY marijuana.

Monday, November 19, 2007

On The Application of Torture

Liberals are in a self righteous tizzy over "torture" this week. Because torture is just plain wrong, right?

Here: check out this cartoon that totally proves it through the scientific approach of "Flippant Mockery". Let me know when you are back. (Click the links for a big readable version.)



The logic portrayed in this cartoon is preposterous. The only good thing is that it's as good a way as any to tackle the simplicity of anti-"torture" arguments. And no - it isn't just the cartoon. The cartoon is simply indicative of positions held quite widely. And wrongly.

Panels 1 and 2 can basically be summed up as "man, we live in darker times." Well, yes, we do. Liberals may like to roll their eyes at invoking 9/11, but it happened. Really really really. And it wasn't George W. Bush who planned it. Under the Clinton administration a vast terrorist network had been allowed to flourish overseas and within self-segregated Muslim ethnic communities within the western world. The idea of democrats had been to treat it as a law enforcement issue. These attempts were proving relatively unsuccessful. An extremist Wahhabi/Salafist Islamist organizatin of activists became increasingly emboldened and was interested in creating terrorist attacks that were on a grander attack than had previously been seen. 9/11 occurred because it was not detected in time. The lesson of 9/11 was the importance of gathering actionable intelligence in order to greater ensure citizen safety. If you do not believe this to be fact and think the Bush administration planned 9/11 please leave my blog and don't bother visiting anymore. We have nothing to talk about.

Panel 2 and 3 take a very reasonable point about whether waterboarding is terror and conflates it with medieval torture like the rack and thumbscrews. But the initial point is not actually countered. There is clearly a progression of torture. If no torture is ever allowed then I should go to jail for tickling my girlfriend. Some would argue that Michael Bolton,Vanilla Ice and Barry Manilow should all be in jail. And while that last sentence was a joke, what isn't a joke is that heavy metal music was used to encourage Manuel Noriega to leave his Panama compound and come peacefully. This was indeed a form of torture as broadly defined. The real question is whether there is a difference between waterboarding and the rack. The answer: of course there is. Waterboarding has a low probability of leaving lasting physical harm. The rack is designed to inflict irreversible pain AND damage which is a precursor to execution. One procedure is grotesque, the other is extemely unpleasant. Conflating the two is fallacious.

Panels 4 and 5 purport to dismiss the ticking time bomb as a one in a million scenario. Dershowitz does the same thing in his article by talking about the imminent threat. Personally if the threat is truly THAT dire then by all means bring out the rack if you need to. But that isn't what we are really talking about.

The simple fact is this: Unpleasantness in interrogations is completely useless in extracting a confession from someone of a past crime committed that cannot be corroborated. A signed confession from a tortured person is useless. However unpleasant interrogation - from long periods of exhausting questioning to, yes, waterboarding if necessary - are very useful if one can corroborate the evidence. That can include berating a suspect until he tells you where the body is buried, or waterboarding someone until he gives provable actionable intelligence about his contacts in a terrorist cell. Any suggestion that one can learn nothing useful from torture is patently stupid. A person raising this line of argument is simply opposed to torture, period.

The fact is that a threat like Al Queda IS a constantly ticking time bomb. Uncovering it's cells and breaking it's organisation was and remains crucial to citizen safety. The judicious use of enhanced interrogation up to and including waterboarding is a distasteful but a potentially necessary step. If you wish to say it is unnecessary I will demand your proof, I will disagree, and I will accuse you of simply finding it morally objectionable. I can respect your moral objection, since in many ways I share it, but in this part of the argument you are simply kidding yourself.

Panel 5 contains the opposite of the Nazi fallacy. This is interesting. Normally one proposes something, someone else pipes up with "that sounds like something Hitler would do" and everyone falls into awkward silence until someone, wisely, punches the Hitler invoker in the face like a good civilised debater.

The cartoon's rejection of Dershowitz is essentially an inverted version of the same. Dershowitz is invoking an example from history of evidence that torture works. The retort is a non sequitur. It is saying that if Nazis did something we shouldn't do it. This is fallacious of course. Nazis made the volkswagon and the autobahn. Whether we should do what Nazis did depends on whether it is morally justifiable and effective not on whether or not they did it. So again, this is a childish rejoinder.

And finally in panel six, the democrats are accused of being mealy mouthed on the issue. And on this point he's right. The reason is simple though. The next President of the United States is probably going to need to torture somebody.


This is not to suggest that torture should be used as a matter of course.

It is barbaric and generally completely unnecessary.

The potential for abuse is vast.

The spectre of Maher Arar is not long past.

The need to consider enhanced interrogation, water boarding, sleep deprivation, temperature extremes and so forth is awful. It's disgusting. If it doesn't disturb you it should.

I personally am very afraid of a world where waterboarding could be used to extract a verifiable confession from suspects in murder cases. Particularly since the police often don't know the suspect is guilty. Torturing someone to find out if they are guilty of something when you aren't sure is profoundly disturbing to me on a number of levels, and should never occur. There are lines and limits that transcend even our physical safety. Because if the government does such a thing, it has become at least as great a threat as any terrorist.

Our discomfort at the use of torture, and this debate, is important and necessary. The appropriate type of interrogation must be balanced against the threat. The use of any enhanced technique goes against the entire idea of liberty and security of the person. It requires the punishment of people before trial, without proof beyond a reasonable doubt in a manner that shocks the conscience. In short it goes against everything that we as a society believe in, and everything that has made western civilization an oasis in a desert of human arbitrary brutality the world over.

So any use of enhanced interrogation techniques. Any use of "torture" if you want to call it that, must be vigorously debated and aggressively challenged. And any found necessary - which might end up being none (but I doubt it) - MUST carefully monitored, regulated and approved. Accountability should exist.

But pretending there is absolutely place for it in a post 9/11 world, as an a priori starting point, is patently naive. Responding to the arguments in the flippant fallacious way in that cartoon above is even worse. It's deliberately disingenuous and if there are arguments against it, they aren't being made therein.

This is a complex issue. It deserves real discussion. It can't just be sneered away.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

On Blockades

I wrote this months ago but never finished it. I don't like it much but I havent written much lately so here you go.
This was a weekend of aboriginals. At least for me.
As surely 99% of the people who read this blog are intimately aware, this Friday was the start of the Canada Day long weekend. I live in Toronto but many family members and friends live in Ottawa, including a brand  spanking new nephew of whom I am somewhat enamored. So like many Canadians I made plans to travel from the one place ot the other. Ottawa is, after all, a beautiful place to be on Canada Day with its beautiful revellers and happy families all decked out in smiles and red.
Unfortunately, I was told, the trains would NOT be running on time and the highway would be blocked by a small group of mohawks with a - no pun intended - axe to grind with the federal government over land claims and native poverty issues. Now if you are expecting one of the usual rants on this subject you came to the wrong place. Some other day I can add yet another thousand words onto the million word high pile articulating the (widely held) view that aboriginal insistence on maintaining the reserve system is the problem and that more money isnt the solution - and then I could research the land claims issue just to find out what the HELL is going on there because I really dont know yet. But instead I just want to address the tactics. More specificall, the PRICE of tactics.
Do you really think that the palestinians, northern irish, muslims, basques and heaven knows who else, are just plain EVIL?  They arent evil. They are weak. They can't fight a head to head fight but still feel compelled to take action and so they do.  Shawn Brant, Nelson Mandela, Gandhi and Osama Bin Laden are all exercising civil disobedience. Some more constructively then others.  
That having been said though - there has to be a price for civil disobedience. You don't get to break the law AND not get punished for it. The fact that you are willing to break the law enough to get punished... well, that's what makes your stand important in the first place.  
Blockade a road. Go to jail. Simple as that. Blow up a building. Go to jail. Or die. Whatever.
Which doesn't mean the rest of us get to ignore the reason the person committed the crime in the first place. Sometimes they have a damn good point and we should damn well listen.

Wanted: One Counter-reformation

The Counter-Reformation is an interesting historic event to me. But that's probably just because I spent a good part of my history studying reformation-era history.  Let me break down the reformation for you real quick. (and don't worry, this will get relevant to world events real quick).  
Catholic church run by italians, is spreading its influence throughout europe. Corrupted by power.  This is making the Germanics and English and Swiss annoyed. Gets to the point where they say "screw you, popesuckers" and break off into Lutherans, Anglicans, Calvinists, Anabaptists. Etc.    Right. Underlying this geopolitical reality are theological distinctions. (Like " sola fide" for Lutherans and "predestination" for Catholics.  Email me if you want to know more. It isn't important here.)
Here's where it's interesting. How does the Catholic Church respond to this problem? They do the "counter-reformation".  They clean up their act, do their reforms, but most importantly they do a NEW DEFENCE of catholic doctrines. A guy named Ignatius Loyala starts the Jesuits and they become the debating team of the Catholic Church. Out they go and argue in favor of what the Catholics have always believed theologically. They provide a robust belief of the existing belief systems. They stem the tide and save the catholic church. 
The Western World currently needs a counter-reformation. 
There is a war of ideas going on in the world and here's what I see from my non-right wing friends. One of two things: 
- I see activists apologising for the geopolitical, economic, equality of law, liberal, industrial chess moves of the western world, and
 - I see people going about their business, keeping their heads down, trying to get their piece of the pie without getting into trouble. These folks generally want their ruling class to do the dirty work of giving them the lifestyle they want without them admitting to being complicit in any of the difficult decisions that make that happen.  
From my right wing friends I see ridiculous defenses of their actions designed for easy consumption and smelling of hypocracy using words like "freedom and evil" that make anyone with an IQ over 50 wretch. 
So here's what's needed: A real discussion and defence of what the US is doing what its doing globally. No one ever says "Hey, we didn't GO into Iraq. We were already IN Iraq. We never left. Saddam Hussein was always shooting at our jets. We had to get in in order to get out." 
No one ever says "What do you mean, no blood for oil? What possible BETTER reason could there be for blood? We live in the oil age whether we like it or not. Since time immemorial it has been necessary to control the crucial resource of the day and it is 100% crucial to maintain control of the waterways that allow for trade. Oil may be replaced with something else, but that geopolitical reality is never going to go away."
We also need a real defense of western values as a way to run a country and a rejection of cultural relativism. Humans in other countries are not stupid and shouldn't be treated as such. Why is it so awful to impose western values on other countries, when the people in those countries are desperately trying to emigrate from those countries and to immigate to those countries that HAVE those values? It may shock you to learn that our wealth is a result OF those values. Not an accident."
Finally, we need to understand that it is just as stupid to think of ourselves as "evil" and the rest of the world as "good", as it is to believe the opposite.
Did ya miss me?