Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Warren's yearly deletions

Warren Kinsella has once again deleted his archive of last year's postings.

He does this every year. His explanation this year as to why he does this is empty. Maybe he has articulated a better reason in the past but I couldn't find it...because it would have been deleted already, natch.

But there IS a really smart reason to do it. And Warren is nothing if not smart. The problem with a political blog is that it forces you to put your opinions "out there". Among the many problems this can cause for you is that if you change your mind... or just your position... later... like say when you decide to run for office... you don't want your daily ranting and musing waved in front of your face by some irritatingly thorough journalist or member opposite. Yearly deleting is a good way of limiting the ease with which such research can be done while still allowing one to raise one's profile and comment on the issues of the day. Smart strategy. Maybe I would consider using it myself if I ever decided to run for office. or whatever. And don't get me wrong here. I am neither criticizing Warren, Warren's strategy or the need for strategic positioning in politics. that's the name of the game. I'm just telling you what I guess his real reason is.

Of course, if I was an enterprising young journalist or conservative, I might think that a wise COUNTER-strategy for enterprising young internauts of non-liberal persuasion might be to help preserve such important historical documents in some sort of mirrored site or archive.

You know.

Just in case.

I'm just sayin'.

But I doubt anyone will: or ever even thought to.

No wonder Warren wins so many fights. He's smarter.


Anonymous said...

Don't be ridiculous. I do it because I feel like it.

If I said something stupid (and I do regularly), someone will keep a copy of it, and remind me about it. Believe me. They do all the time.

Stop reading so many spy novels.


Cicero In Pants said...

I'm just honoured to have you reading, my friend. Your protest is duly noted. :)

It was just the best theory I could come up with for what seems a very odd (practically unique) habit.

No one really does anything just because they feel like it though. There are deeper reasons. Whatever they may be, you don't need to share them. But that doesn't stop them from existing.

Mercerch said...

I like to think it is because he lacks any understanding of blogging software and is paranoid!

But that's just my $.02

Your right though, it makes NO SENSE at all. Follows no known logic pattern.

jillian said...

Cicero - who are you blowing (not that there is anything wrong with that) to get Kinsella on here re: blog maintenance?

I mean, we know that you are a very smart man/astute political commentator/etc., but seriously...who????

(Je kid. Keep on rockin'...)

Hy Coup said...

You don't even need to look for an internet savvy Paul Martin disciple for the archive. There are plenty out there that treat everyone's online mistakes the same way. Here's one for Warren.

BTW, Cicero. I see from your profile that you were a certain floor-crosser's senior policy advisor. Was that whole "bake a bigger pie" thing yours? Just curious. It was a good idea but seemed to send everyone who heard it into embarrassed giggle fits. Kind of like when an American says "Regina".

Cicero In Pants said...

I can take no credit (and thankfully no blame) for the economic pie. I actually had only been with her for a week when the floor crossing happened. I then worked in her cabinet office as a (not the senior) policy advisor for a few months. All in all it was a short, powerless, but voyeuristically fascinating life chapter.