Thursday, April 5, 2007

The question no one is allowed to ask about the 15 British sailors...

... Why were they such WIMPS?
Now, I'm not saying I'm any better. However!
I watched British soldiers on the news admitting to being in Iranian waters and calmly pointing it out on a map on the wall. When they had been told they were being released, one of them actually said "thank you for your foregiveness".
What ever happened to "YOU'LL NEVER TAKE ME ALIVE!!  I WON'T TELL YOU ANYTHING!!! I DIE FOR MY QUEEN AND COUNTRY, AAAAAIEEEEEE!!!!"  You'd think that, as a soldier, before he did a powerpoint presentation, that soldier would be gallant enough to at least get himself a black eye, eh. But nooo.... and the word from the official sources is that they behaved exactly as they should have from beginning to end."
Ah well. If you ever needed a demonstration of the difference between real life and the movies, you just got it.  Also, I don't care what official sources say - among the troops, I am fairly certain that her Majesty's Royal Navy is about to experience some intense mockery by her Majesty's Land and Air Forces.


Mercerch said...

Mockery I am willing to bet they will accept as they reply "At least i am still alive to fight another day"

Also, if they resisted capture and a gun fight broke out their mother ships would get involved (supporting fire) and eventually a full scale conflict would break out.

Which do you want to be known for? Being captured and released or starting a gun fight with local bully who's just looking for a fight.

Cicero In Pants said...
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Cicero In Pants said...

You misunderstand me. My point is that they could have shut up. It is one thing to get captured. It is another thing to cheerfully admit you breached Iranian sovereignty.

Alex Sloat said...

mercerch: Yup, that's pretty much what they should have done. We tell small children to fight back if they're being kidnapped, to cry out for help, and to do anything else they can to thwart the person coming after them. But suddenly, when it's Royal Marines, we expect them to go limp and get dragged off in chains? To hell with that! If the Iranians want to pick a fight by kidnapping our soldiers, why is it suddenly our responsibility to surrender to make sure a fight doesn't happen? If they don't want a fight, they shouldn't start one(and they definately shouldn't start one with the world's second-ranking military).