Wednesday, April 4, 2007

What's so bad about a chocolate Jesus?

There's been a bit of a kafuffle recently about the sculpture, "My Sweet Lord". It is a piece of art that depicts Jesus naked in crucifiction pose - made of chocolate .

This morning as I was channel surfing some religious folks were decrying this. On the news, CNN asked the artist if he would do the same thing about Mohammed. His answer was No. Because Islam isn't his religion and he doesn't feel the need to explore that relationship in his heart. But we all know that answer is incomplete. We know that neither you nor I nor he would want to make a chocolate Mohammed sculpture. Or a Mohammed anything. Why? Because fundamentalist muslims have a bad habit of committing arbitrary murders when offended. I don't want to die for my art. It ain't important enough to me.

BUT That doesn't make them RIGHT. That makes them disgusting savages. The lesson the Catholics seem to be taking on this is - you won't offend muslims don't dare offend us - is a shameful one. An easy moral lesson is - two wrongs don't make a right.

(Besides dudes that ship has sailed. I can get a Jesus Bobblehead doll at the mall. and this isn't exactly Piss Christ)

This is thoroughly innocuous. A guy made a Jesus out of Chocolate in time for Easter. Hmm...what could he possibly be saying? This isn't even necessarily an anti-Christian art piece. We eat the body of Christ. We eat chocolate at easter. The thing is actually a pretty neat statement as art statements go.

Quit looking for reasons to get offended where there aren't any. Enough.


xman said...

I heard that instead of 'INRI" labelled above the crucified man they were going to put 'EATME'
*sound of virgins smacking their lips*

jillian said...


Mercerch said...


Andrea Bruce said...

SWEET JESUS! It's a good thing I just ate my dinner. ;)

I speak for chocoholics around the world when I ask: "Is it milk or dark chocolate?"

I have to disagree with your theory that there is more to his answer than he let on. He seemed honest in his answer; as if a chocolate Mohamed had never crossed his mind. I think you are looking for a conspiracy where there isn't one. The question asked was an obvious one and I think it was met with a good answer. Point final.

Also, if the Church thinks this will stop the art from This is the way the art world works...if you get someone to scream out in objection, you get the offers pouring in. I rolled my eyes when I saw the CNN report and thought “Bad move church. Bad move.” By acknowledging it as edgy you are putting money in his pockets. WAY more money and attention than if you had shrugged it off. Artists do it for the same reason bullies do it, to get a rise out of you, they keep doing it. Didn’t your mommy ever tell you that the best way to deal with a bully was to ignore him?

I am just waiting for the obvious performance art to follow..."The last supper of our sweet Lord." What is that performance going to mean? Internalization of religion? By eating a chocolate Jesus he is becoming one with God? A commentary on how we gorge ourselves on religion? If he throws up, is that representing his own disgust or devotion to his religion? Maybe he just gets hungry and needs a snack. “I am going to save the ears for last.”

eastern capitalist said...

If they put a cloth on him, I am sure this wouldn't have been on CNN. They just like to see some coco dick :)