Thursday, January 4, 2007

Cicero in Pontification (with Atlas Hugged)

Hey all,

Here's an internet chat I had today about the Cabinet Shuffle with Atlas Hugged. Feel free to read it - or act it out in your drama class while wearing togas. Whatever works for you.

Its basic political armchair athlete stuff. Please don't take any facts in this as gospel. This is off the cuff chatter posted here for interest's sake. We didn't fact check on the fly and weren't planning to post it at all until late in the conversation. If anyone reading this wants to correct any facts - or make any other observations about how stupid or smart we are, just post in the comments box. No reasonable entries refused. :) Also - if someone could teach me the html to hide this conversation behind an html link (like an LJ cut) I would be most appreciative.

12:16 PM CIP: [ I comment that Rona Ambrose went to Intergovernment Affairs after all. I guess the Prime Minister of Canada didn't heed my blog. Oh the humanity! ]

12:25 PM Atlas Hugged: meh- this way she can fuck up the fiscal imbalance I feel sorry for baird

12:30 PM CIP: I feel sorry for Ablonczy. Why do you feel sorry for Baird. He just got one step closer to being a future PM of Canada. Im not predicting he will be by the way. He's still a gay conservative. but he's being tapped as a central performer and he can't do anything with this portfolio but look better than Rona did because he's a much better communicator.

Atlas Hugged: this file will kill him, like it killed everyone else. and he has no interest in leadership .

CIP: interesting. so what does he want to do with his life when he retires from politics at the age of 40 then?

12:33 PM Atlas Hugged: ambassador to the US or UK actually

CIP: good to know. anyway, time will tell if this slaughters him. I wish him the best of luck. Remember the good old days when David Anderson could sit in the chair, do nothing, and not take any heat? ah. good times...

Atlas Hugged: back when there were separatist in power in quebec and issues were dealt with by throwing money at the mob- I miss those days

12:35 PM CIP: lol

Atlas Hugged: and conservatives only cared about stupid issues like the composition of the family and senate reform

CIP: they still only care about those stupid issues. You can tell by how half assed their other policy initiatives are.

12:36 PM Atlas Hugged: its true- I can't wait to hear Baird blame liberal corruption for climate change

CIP: oh he will. but it will be effective when he does it. he'll blame liberal inaction. in that bold Baird way.

12:37 PM Atlas Hugged: well, I think that is a matter of opinion- I think he was brutal in the house up until now- mostly because I don't like catty/yelling/heckling

CIP: and it will have more traction than when Rona speaks and nobody listens Atlas Hugged: well, it also assumes that PM isn't going to micro-manage this file anymore- I Think this is a signal that he won't but this file is WAY harder than the last one baird had

12:38 PM CIP: yeah. I agree. I think the PM micromanaged Rona because of intangibles regarding Rona. I think he and Baird will work much more constructively. That having been said - you are right. Its a difficult file at a difficult time. Still I cant think of many choices better than Baird to be honest. maybe bad for Baird, I dunno. But certainly one of the best moves possible for Harper, in my opinion.

12:42 PM Atlas Hugged: I could think of three better choices - 1) Clement 2) Ablonczy and 3) Premier Lord

CIP: Rona in Intergovernmental is still an accident waiting to happen but at least there the PM can be his own minister

12:43 PM Atlas Hugged: I think the sec states are interesting too- I think it says a) emerson isn't running again and b) chuck is getting sicker

CIP: I dont agree with Clement over Baird. I don't agree with Ablonczy...and I don't agree with Lord. Sorry just thought them through one at a time. I still think Ablonczy deserves in but I think Baird is the perfect choice.

Atlas Hugged: I would like to remind you that Baird hasn't actually run a large ministry before. Baird will backfire because he will be too agressive

CIP: yeah - thats the concern for sure. you may absolutely be right. I dont think so but you may be right.

Atlas Hugged: and, he has come out very strong against kyoto before- that will come up again

CIP: I think that would be what happened to ablonczy too though. Clement would be ok... but since he has been seen as lackluster at health the optics of the move wouldnt advantage the govt right now - doesnt seem dynamic - no win in it for Harper. and Lord - well, he isnt available as quick as this needs to happen without Harper pulling another Fortier. anyway - I see all those choices as less of a win for harper

12:47 PM Atlas Hugged: but that is the whole point- the election is in ten minutes-

CIP: but, as I say, time will tell. and Lord is just another rival breathing down Harper's neck btw- although I dont think he will ever win. My gut tells me to predict Jim Prentice's star as ascendent to the throne as next tory leader.

Atlas Hugged: I would like to remind you who the finance minister is

12:49 PM CIP: yep. I know. and my gut tells me to predict Jim Prentice's star as ascendent to the throne as next tory leader.

Atlas Hugged: no, I was responding to the lord comment- if harper was actually worried about that kind of shit, flaherty would be minister of whales and dolphins

CIP: ah. yes - I was more wondering how many he would want to deal with. anyway, we shall see what happens between now and the election 10 minutes from now. So far, I predict...another Tory minority!!!

12:51 PM Atlas Hugged: I think everyone does-

CIP: 65% possibility with 35% liberal minority! :)

Atlas Hugged: I think that harper is the only guy who can hold the tories together right now.
I dont' think this is going to play well in quebec- especially with Baird, who has basically called quebec "criminals" for a year now coo-coo-ing them with environmental platitudes will not work If I had more time, I would blog all this. oh well. (Edit: Looks like Atlas found time)

(Cut: discussion in which I ask to post the conversation and Atlas accepts)

Atlas Hugged: ok- so you know the sec state thing- Strahl's cancer is getting worse and emerson isn't running

CIP: yep.

Atlas Hugged: I am surprised at mills too, actually- he knows the file backwards and forwards and wrote the CAA, and he isn't even on the spec com weird

1:06 PM CIP: Don't know about that. No opinion really. I found the Solberg - Finley move interesting actually. any thoughts on it? I can only assume it has something to do with Solberg's dealings with protesters and an attempt to add a few other costless moves to broaden the shuffle. But I don't know.

1:09 PM Atlas Hugged: Honestly, it probably has more to do with the fact that finlay handles questions poorly, and gets some in her old job

CIP: you think that wont happen in immigration? :S

Atlas Hugged: monte has answered like ten questions all year- because arar questions were handled by day or the PM

1:10 PM CIP: hmmm... I guess... still... he's the one who got chased out of a hall by protestors. I don't think its a soft landing for anybody.

1:11 PM Atlas Hugged: meh- both are total non-jobs it is like shuffling the chairs onthe titantic

1:12 PM CIP: well - that was sort of my point. I wouldnt call them non-jobs exactly, but they are equivalent 2nd tier ministries for sure, in my opinion. anyway - I gotta get back to work. lunch is over. ttys.

Atlas Hugged: cheers

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