Friday, March 16, 2007

Dismissive Thrust meet Eye Rolling Parry

Kate at Small Dead Animals writes with respect to coverage of the Conrad Black Trial:
"At the very least, I do think there are editors who would do well to check whether their TV cameras are capturing real news, or just another reflection in the Canadian media fish bowl."
My response in comments:
Conrad Black is news to us. Real news. Not a media fishbowl. I will buy a paper that covers this trial. The man is not a big deal in the US but he is a bona fide huge deal here at home. He started a second national newspaper. His compatriots have revitalised MacLeans. He battled the Prime Minister over the peerage issue. And he has been an aggressive and interesting commentator on numerous domestic and international political issues. His business decisions - acquisitions or wind ups - have directly affected many canadian lives and communities. He is our Donald Trump. He is our Citizen Kane. The idea that the Conrad Black trial is only news because he is in the newspaper business and is therefore of interest primarily to those in that business is, quite simply, facile.
Comments welcome as always.

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