Thursday, March 15, 2007

Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

It is being reported that Khalid Sheikh Mohammed...k, wait a sec, I need to post his obligatory bedhead picture...
There. That's better. He's oh so pretty.   Anyway...he has confessed to being the mastermind behind 9/11. This has led to me reading an endless bunch of really annoying posts on blogs and messageboards stating "I thought Osama Bin Laden" was the mastermind? haha. Bush lies. bla bla bla.   You know, that kind of childish crap.  So OK... I'm going to break this down into language that all North Americans can actually understand: 
If 9/11 was a movie, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed was the Director. Osama Bin Laden was the studio chief that greenlit the picture and provided the financing. 
Clearer now? Sorry to be a dick about it but sometimes us gadfly types can accidently sneer and smirk ourselves into being utter twits. 
Oh. While I'm here:  for those of you that still think 9/11 was an inside job done by an administration that couldn't even manage to plant some WMDs in Iraq, some head clearing resources: 
 I like this link for giving it a good cheeky response: . Just so set the right tone, ya know.
Popular Mechanics did this
but the konspiracy kids reject it as yellow journalism by a hearst owned paper.
This google search will lead youto even more serious resources.
Happy Thursday,

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