Tuesday, March 20, 2007

We had ourselves a budget

...and I don't want to talk about it.
Because all the important stuff to talk about (at least to me) involves what this budget says about Quebec's place in the Federation. And I do "our federation stuff" for a living. Maybe I'll think harder and chat with my boss and figure out some appropriate parameters.
I guess I could say this though - it is the deepest cruelty to put a $4000 tax on gas guzzling vehicles in Canada. Why? Because they are the big vehicles that don't get stuck in snowdrifts.
Canada getting upset over global warming. Good lord. We are a country of saints. I'm going to think up a reason to start asking people at the equator to start wearing wool sweaters and see how they react.
I nominate Canada for the Nobel Peace prize. Or the Global Sucker award.
Yes. All of us. Gimme.

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