Wednesday, December 20, 2006

CNN: The Most Trusted Name In Snake Oil?

CNN bills itself as the most trusted name in News. I can prove it. Here's a Logo:

Yet, CNN allows these guys to buy ad time on their network. Lots of ad time:

Head On is Snake Oil. It is a fake headache medicine. Their product is not amazing (as the ad says). Their product is a filthy lie. It's such a lie that they don't actually SAY its for headaches in their ads. oooh sneaky.

I know that its an ad. And I know that running an ad isn't an endorsement. But I think that if you want me to trust you, you need to draw a line somewhere. How about doing it at some point BEFORE you turn your network into the Horse Drawn Buckboard of modern day elixer grifters.

Whew. I've been wanting to get that one off my chest for months. Yay for blogging!

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