Friday, December 8, 2006

A new blog

Welcome to Cicero In Pants!! I'm so glad to see you. Come in. Pull up a chair and... oh...well, I suppose if you are on your computer your chair is already pulled up. And if you are on your bed reading your laptop, thats cool too. Don't get up. Can I get you a coffee or something?

Anyway, This wont be my only blog but this will be the one that focuses on politics and policy. Some Canadian, some international. If you aren't Canadian, that's OK. We're really a lot more interesting than you've been told. Seriously, we do things with maple syrup and bacon you would NOT want to tell your mother about. Oh yeah.

So stick around. And visit regularly. I talk a lot.

I'll provide some biographical details as I go along but not now.


Andrea Bruce said...

Allo there sisero in pantaloons. How goes you? You have a pretty snazzy banner there. Might I add, the layout looks mighty fine and professional. :)

I hope to see this blog active. :)

jillian said...

Say, friend - that's a mighty nice blog you've got there!

Welcome, CiP. Looking forward to reading more...